Helouuuuu! Happy New Year!! Guess who’s back ready to accomplish her reading goals (and goals in general)?? Yep, me! So of course I’ve been overly ambitious with my first TBR, but I’m confident I’m going to read if not all, at least most of these books, so, let’s see what I plan to read this first month of the year!

  • ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ by J.K. Rowling, I’m rereading the Harry Potter books and watching the films with my sisters and her boyfriend so this is the one that I have to read this January, mi sister’s favourite!
  • ‘The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England’ by Brandon Sanderson, such a long title…this is the second of his ‘secret projects’ that he published in 2023, I only got to read the first one so I’ll start the year reading the second one.
  • ‘Saga vol.V’ this is a comic I started reading last year, it’s not bad, I’m just starting with this kind of genre and it’s something easy and quick to read.
  • ‘Mapping the Interior’ by Stephen Graham, this is a short story, it has 130 pages, it’s about a boy who discovers that his house in bigger and deeper than he knew, and I think it’s supposed to be horror so let’s see.
  • ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna West, yeah…I know…a self-help book?? I’m surprised too, but I heard it’s not bad, so it’s going to count as my non-fiction read of the month, and maybe help me start the new year on a good note? We’ll see.
  • ‘North and South’ by Elizabeth Gaskell, I’ve been trying to read this classic for soooo looooong, I’m only 10% into it, and I’m liking it, so I hope I can start the year finally finishing it.
  • ‘The Blade Itself’ by Joe Abercrombie, I heard a lot about this author, I heard he’s a good fantasy author so I’m going to try this series by him.

Aaaaand that’s all I’d like to read on January, what about you? What would you like to read this month?