As you may know, I received the ColourPop Harry Potter makeup palette, so it’s the perfect occasion to do some makeup looks inspired in the different Hogwarts houses. I’m not a makeup artist, and, in fact, I’m pretty bad at makeup but I like to play around with it and it’s fine, it doesn’t have to be perfect, I just have to enjoy it.

So, that said, the first look is inspired in Hufflepuff, maybe the most ignored of all the Hogwarts houses, I’ve honestly never wore yellow eyeshadows before and I thought it was going to look…not too great on me, but I think it ended up looking kind of good.

For the skin I used the Skin79 orange BB cream, I filled my eyebrows a little with an ELF eyeshadow (I know my eyebrows are a mess, no need to comment on that), and in my lips I used ‘Double dare’ by Kat von D.

As for the eyes, I used the ColourPop Harry Potter palette of course, I used the tone ‘Hufflepuff’ on the entire eyelid, and then I used the tone ‘Golden Snitch’ on the mobile eyelid. I also applied some of the ‘Golden Snitch’ under the lower lashes. I think the eyeliner and mascara are from ELF too.

I don’t usually wear a lot of eyeshadows, even less in yellow tones, but I had fun creating this look and even though it’s not perfect or ‘professional, I like it, so that’s what matters.

The next one will probably be Gryffinfor, see you soon! ♥