Hi! I read some blogs that write like a little recap at the end of each week, so I want to try it too, I don’t know how long this will last but I wanted to try something new, and what better time to try this than at the beginning of the year, right?

  1. This week has been sad, at the beginning of the week my grandfather passed away, he was almost 97 years old and he had a happy life.
  2. I got a new job, now I have two jobs, I’m excited and scared at the same time.
  3. I’m starting to feel a bit stressed out about my two exams coming up at the end of January and the beginning of February, specially with the many other things I have to do.
  4. I went back to the gym after the Christmas “break” (I had to work during all Christmas so it wasn’t really a break for me but whatever), and it felt so good!

How has your week been?