Hi! I’m finally back! I haven’t been posting consistenly the past few months, I’ve been going through some tough things, but I want to post more regularly again here, so what better way to start September that with the excitement of a TBR? So here are all the books I want to read this month:

  • ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling, this is obviously a reread, I like to reread the Harry Potter books every now and then, it makes me feel good and safe, and I need it right know, plus, I will watch the movies with my sister and her boyfriend s I want to read each book before watching the movie.
  • ‘A Taste for Poison’ by Neil Bradbury, I’m actually halfway through this book but I want to finish it, it’s a recollection of different substances and people who has used them for murder, I think it’s quite interesting and I’m enjoying it a lot!
  • ‘Dawn’ by Octavia E. Butler, I’ve already started this book and I’m enjoying it, it’s the first book by her that I read, after hearing a lot of good things about her books, so far I can confirm she’s good!
  • ‘The Spare Man’ by Mary Robinette Kowal, this is this month’s book for the Emily Fox bookclub, I only know that it’s a murder mystery in a spaceship, I hope it’s good!
  • ‘North and South’ by Elizabeth Gaskell, this will be my classic for this month, I want to try to read a classic every month.
  • ‘The Blade Itself’ by Joe Abercrombie, I know this author is quite popular and liked, but I haven’t read anything by him! So I thought to start with this one (I don’t know what this book is about either).
  • ‘Saga vol. 5’ the next volume of the comic I’m currently reading, I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I’m going to continue with this for now.