Last month was a terrible reading month for me, I think I only managed to read one and a half books, so this month’s TBR is going to be very similar to my last month TBR, but I least I hope I can get myself to read these books this month!

  • ‘Incendiary’ by Zoraida Cordova, I’ve already started reading this book, and to be honest…I’m not liking it much so far, but we’ll see, I’ll write about it once I finish it.
  • ‘How not to die’ by Dr. Michael Greger, I’ve read a bit of this too, and I’m finding it quite interesting, if you’re interested in health and nutrition I think you’re going to like it.
  • ‘Ruin and Raising’ by Leigh Bardugo, the third and final book of the Grisha trilogy, I’m finding this trilogy ok so far, is entertaining, but that’s all, I’m not like really really liking it, but I hope I can finally know how it ends this month.
  • ‘Skyward’ by Brandon Sanderson, I’ve been wanting to read this book for ages! I really hope I can finally read it this month.

If I get over my reading slump maybe I’ll read a book more, but since I don’t know what’s going to happen I’d rather not put pressure on myself adding more books to my TBR, if I finish this four books I’ll be more than happy.

What are you planning on reading this month?