Last week I finished reading ‘The Dragon Republic’ by R. F. Kuang, the second book in the ‘Poppy War’ trilogy, usually the second book of a trilogy is bit weak or boring comparing to the others but let me tell you…this book is amazing!

We start right when the first book ended (just when Rin did that atrocious impulsive thing, if read the first one you know), the third Poppy War is suposedly over after that, but the Dragon Lord have other plans…to which Rin obviously is drawn.

This book is full of political intrigue and warfare. I don’t want to talk about the plot because I don’t want to make any spoilers since this is a second book in a trilogy, but in this book we learn the origins and motives of the Trifecta, and what could have been the real reason of the three Poppy Wars, I found that really interesting, and your feelings about some characters may change after what you learn in this book (specially Daji and the Dragon Lord).

Our protagonist, Rin, has to face many challenges during this book, and I love how despite everything she’s gone through and all the power that she has, she’s still so human. I really like the development of the characters, the story is brutal and amazing, and I can’t wait to read the third and final book, if you’re into fantasy book I highly recomend you to read this trilogy, for me it’s one of the best I’ve read this year so far!