I finished ‘How not to die’ by Dr. Michael Greger!! I finally finished this book!! I can’t even begin to explain how happy I am to have finished this book…I began reading it over a year ago, I didn’t want to DNF it because I thought it was interesting and it’s about nutrition which is a topic I’m interested in, but for some reason I just couldn’t pick it up and read it, so months passed by and the book remained unread.

BUT! Finally I finished it! I’ve been forcing myself to read a couple of pages every day (or at least most days) and I finally did it. I don’t want to discourage you about reading this book, it’s interesting, honestly, I still don’t know why it took me so long to finish it, and my year-long reading slump didn’t help either, but if you’re interested in nutrition and in improving you health with nutrition this is a good book to read.