If you’ve read any of my previous TBRs you know that I’ve been failing terribly to read in the past few months, but let’s start this new year right and hopeful to get out of this horrible reading slump. I read a lot of fantasy, I love fantasy, but I think that reading only fantasy may also contribute to my reading slump, so this year I want to vary my readings a bit more, so these are the books I hope to read this first month of the year:

  • ‘Elantris’ by Brandon Sanderson, we start with fantasy (I said I’ll vary my readings, but not reading any fantasy is not an option), I believe this is Brandon Sanderson’s first book, I think that he’s planning on writting more books and make it a series but so far there’s only this book and I want it to be one of my first readings of this year.
  • ‘Why we sleep? by Matthew Walker, it’s about the importance of sleep and the damaging effects of bad sleep habits, surely it’s interesting to learn about this stuff but I honestly think that this book is going to give me anxiety.
  • ‘Recursion’ by Blake Crouch, my sci-fi of the month, I heard a lot of good thinks about this book (and about the author) and I think it’s time to give it a chance.
  • ‘Whuthering Heights’ by Emily Brontë, and we arrive at the classic of the month, I’m not really into classics, but to be honest I didn’t really gave them much of a chance, so this year I want to try to read some classics, maybe not every month but al least some from time to time.
  • ‘Empire of the Vampire’ by Jay Kristoff, everybody is crazy about this book, I read the ‘Nevernight’ trilogy from this author and I loved it, so I wanted to read his newest work. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little intimidated, the book is huge (it has 739 pages) but I want to at least start it this month if I have time.

What are you going to read this month?